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Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor Liability Insurance

Colorado Bar Insurance

If you operate a bar in Colorado, you need protection against lawsuits;  being accused of, serving liquor to a minor or an intoxicated person, whether true or not, defense costs can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Assault or abuse suits are prominent in the bar industry, another accusation of physical or verbal authority to a patron, can cost thousands in defense costs.  Having a Tavern/Bar insurance policy helps protect yourself and your business against injury on your premises and your property.  Our team at Southern Colorado Insurance Center (SCIC)  are HOSPITALITY SPECIALISTS that are ready to help provide you with the best coverage and peace of mind. Learn more about bar insurance coverage below or contact SCIC now to get a custom quote.


What Type of Liability Insurance Do Bars Need?

Depending on the bar, you may need several different types of liability insurance. General liability insurance is usually the most important. This protects you from most incidents and accidents on your premises – such as slips and falls and other such issues.

Liquor liability insurance, which protects you from damages resulting in the consumption of alcohol at your bar, is also advisable. You may also want to get assault and battery coverage to protect yourself in the event of fights, and valet insurance if you offer valet parking.


Why Do Taverns Need Insurance?

Like any other business, bars can be exposed to lawsuits from patrons who slip and fall, become intoxicated and are injured, who are over-served by bartenders, and so on. A bar insurance policy protects you from these lawsuits and ensures you can get the help you need to defend your business if you’re sued.


What Is Liquor Liability Insurance?

Liquor liability insurance is a type of business insurance policy that protects businesses selling and serving alcohol. It can help cover claims related to assault, drunk driving, or property damage involving intoxicated patrons.

Need Bar or Tavern Insurance In Colorado? Contact SCIC Today!

 At SCIC, we offer bar insurance, liquor liability insurance, and all of the other policies you need to protect yourself, your business, your employees, and your patrons. So don’t wait. Make sure you have the coverage you need. Contact us online and schedule